Life is so very different than it was prior to March 2020. Our lives continue to be stressful and our children are suffering significant stress possibly now more so than ever before.
Resilience is the capacity to adapt and recover from difficulties. Resilience however doesn’t come easily for everyone, but it can be taught. Using tools to develop resilience can help avoid the negative effects that stress can have on our body and on our mind. And teaching our children resilience can help improve their overall well being now and for the rest of their lives.
The Tools inside the Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation Tool Box teach children to be resilient. The twelve sections of the “tool box” are specific areas of well being and help children restore balance in their lives. To begin, if your child is stressed or anxious, have them close their eyes and take 3 slow, long, deep inhales and 3 slow, long, deep exhales. Ask them – how do you feel right now? Open the Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Tool Box and choose the section that best matches their feelings. Then pick one card or a few cards in that section. Follow the directions on the card, always remembering to take a mindful breath in and out before beginning. An older child may know how they are feeling and might be able to go directly to that section, pick a card and then follow the directions. While a younger child might need an adults guidance.
To find out more go to:

Thank you for this very timely post. Looking forward to sharing with my Erinne.