Work, Work, Work – who has time for a break?!!
So how can you be more productive and still get your breaks during the day?
In our society, we are encouraged to work without taking breaks. Even children in high school are encouraged not to take a lunch period because if they don’t take a lunch period, they could fit in anther class into their schedule. I suggest that no matter our age, we all need to take a break during the day. But how can we make the most of those breaks?
While I am completely against smoking, I believe that smokers actually do two things right:
(1) During the day smokers take breaks from their work.
(2) Smokers practice deep breathing during those breaks.
Even though, nicotine is very addictive and I would never recommend smoking, I also believe that smokers are addicted to the deep breathing they do while smoking.
Taking a “breathing” break during the day is one of the best ways to be more productive and feel less stressed.
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. suggests that “Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”

So how do you take a “Breathing” Break?
Start by noticing how you feel. Close your eyes. Simply breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose. Draw in the air and feel it fill your lungs. Now exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat for one minute. Now notice how you feel. Repeat every day.
“While stress, frustration and other daily set backs will always be there, the good news is, so will our breath.” – Time Magazine

Would you like to learn different breathing techniques? Check out my Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Tool Box.
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