Do you miss hugs as much as I do? I’m a hugger. I love giving and receiving hugs. I love the ability to squeeze someone tight enough with a hug and let them know that they are loved.
Amma, Mātā Amritānandamayī Devī, is known all over the world as the hugging saint. Amma simply means Mother and she is known for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. According to her website, she has hugged more than 37 million people worldwide. People from across the world attend her tours so that they can be hugged by Amma. The lucky ones who have received a hug from Amma describe it as nothing they have ever felt or experienced before. Amma realized at a young age that the world needs comfort and she comforts the world with her hugs.

Hugging is a gesture that helps you feel secure and accepted. A nurturing hug helps establish trust and helps you feel safe. Giving and receiving a hug in an emotional time is calming to both huggers.
Research shows that if we hold a hug for at least six seconds, we optimize the flow of mood-boosting chemicals. Also, frequent huggers have lower blood pressure, it helps with anxiety and increases levels of oxytocin (a chemical that promotes bonding and lowers the stress hormone); and it increases your social connections and sense of belonging.
So find a friend or family member and
HUG it out
for at least Six Seconds!!!

If you are reading this…Consider yourself hugged

Hug A Tree
In this day and age of uncertainty and social distancing, I want to make a bold statement and claim that Hugging Trees is good for your health. So, just what is it about tree hugging that can make us healthier? How can interacting with a tree actually produce a measurable and positive effect to our hormone levels? According to, “Hugging A Tree Increases Levels Of Hormone Oxytocin. This Hormone Is Responsible For Feeling Calm And Emotional Bonding. When Hugging A Tree, The Hormones Serotonin And Dopamine Make You Feel Happier.”

Looking for ways to help you manage the stress in your life and be a hugger again?
Check out my Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation Tool Box on my website.
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