Believe it or not, we always use affirmations in our daily activities. For example, “I always catch this red light” or “I’m not good at remembering the names of new people I meet”. Or maybe something more like this, “I have fat thighs”, “I’m getting old” or “I can never find a parking spot.” These negative statements interrupt our highest good and negatively effect the law of attraction. If you are not familiar with the law of attraction, it means like attracts like; i.e. negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive. Motivational speaker, Jack Canfield says “Let go of any negative thoughts or images and bombard your subconscious with new thoughts and images that are positive and stated in the present tense. Create positive, self affirming, self empowering statements that uplift and inspire you.”
Affirmations are defined as a short sentence that motivates, inspires and encourages you to take action and to realize your goals. It is a sentence that you repeat often, in order to imprint it on your subconscious mind. This repetition can change your habits, behavior and point of view. For example, “I am attracting joy in my life” or ” I can, I will, I do!”
According to the Huffington Post, “Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible.”
Using Affirmations to Decrease Stress Levels
In addition, affirmations may help make the effects of stress less severe. “In one research study leg by Carnegie Mellon University and David Creswell found that people can boost their ability to solve problems under pressure by using self affirmations. A short affirmation exercise boosted the problem solving abilities of the “chronically stressed” subjects to the same level as those with low stress. It is an easy and portable strategy , says Creswell, that you can roll out before you enter a high performance situation.”

Using the positive statements on the affirmation cards in my Peaceful Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Tool box can have a positive effect when the affirmations are repeated on a daily basis.
How can we create these positive affirmations?
Here are some steps to follow when creating positive affirmations:
- Write the statement in the “now”, present tense, as if it were already true
- Use simple positive words
- Use specific action words
- Include a feeling word in your affirmation
Some examples of positive feeling words:
* Amazing * Kind. * Brilliant * Lovable
* Calm * Magnificent * Joyful * Grateful
* Whole * Passionate * Strong * Happy
* Exquisite * Radiant * Trusting *Valuable

Before starting, ask yourself whether you really want to get what you want. When you begin to use affirmations you will notice that they will keep you motivated and help keep your mind focused. Set aside sometime during the day for repeating them. Affirm with love and faith, and believe that your desire has already been fulfilled.
Looking for more affirmations? Check out my Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Tool Box @