Love. Just for one day. Believe in Love. Believe in Love. What a simple yet powerful message.
If asked, I think most people would say, Yes! I believe in love. Yet do their actions and thoughts match what they think they believe? When you see a homeless person, is your first thought love and kindness? How about when you are having a disagreement, are you having thoughts of love? When someone isn’t driving the way you think they should be driving, are you sending them thoughts of love and compassion? These are just simple yet everyday opportunities to act like you BELIEVE IN LOVE.
“Above all things, Believe in Love.”
To Love is life. Life is to Love.
“Yoga philosophy and ancient scripture tell us that love is the reflection of the Consciousness that is present in everybody and everything, every single particle on this planet. When we’re able to recognize love in this way, suddenly, we can see love everywhere. The immense love that is the core of everything, that reveals itself every time we feel a flicker of beauty, tenderness, affection, gratitude, joy, or compassion. Observing life through a filter of a grand love will either fuel the fire we already feel inside, or it will create a spark and start to fill a void.”
Just for one day.. Believe In Love
I invite you to try it for one day. All day long. With all your thoughts, your interactions, your conversations and your actions – Act from a place of love. Stop before you speak (or think) and ask yourself: is what I’m going to say out of love? Once you try it, be gentle with yourself. This is not an easy task but a necessary one. Just become aware of your actions and thoughts for one day. Try not to give up or get down on yourself if you notice something other than love. Stay with it for just one day. Most of all, do not forget to treat yourself with love.
Teachers Special for February Break February 21 – February 25
Unlimited class $40
(all teachers are eligible to purchase this package)

Family Yoga Class
@ Peaceful Yoga
February 17th
7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
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on Feb. 12th – Malverne’s Gift Certificate Day