Join our YOGA CHALLENGE at Peaceful Yoga.

PEACEFUL YOGA is offering a motivating experience that encourages you to develop a regular yoga practice – take your practice to the next level. The challenge is to take at least 11 yoga classes in 31 days from March 1st to 31st. You will reap the benefits that come with a constant yoga practice. Plus there are rewards and the chance to win some great prizes!
We will track your attendance, so all you have to do is sign-up and show-up! You may take any combination of classes or workshops and you may attend more than one class per day if you choose. There is no charge to sign-up for the challenge. Regular prices apply for the classes. Participants must sign up below by March 7th to be included in the challenge.
11 Yoga Classes in 31 Days.
I cannot get into Facebook to register for the challenge,