At Peaceful Yoga, our mission is to provide a nurturing space where individuals of all backgrounds can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony through the practice of yoga. We are committed to offering accessible and inclusive classes that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through expert guidance, community support, & a dedication to mindfulness, we strive to empower our students to cultivate peace within themselves, ripple positivity into their lives, & contribute to a more serene & interconnected world.

Our mission is grounded in the belief that yoga is a transformative force capable of fostering personal growth, compassion, and a lasting sense of tranquility.

We are empowering individuals to cultivate inner peace and holistic well-being through the transformative practice of yoga. Our vision is to create a harmonious world where every person discovers serenity within, fostering compassion, mindfulness, and interconnectedness. By embracing the principles of yoga, we aspire to be a guiding light, promoting tranquility, balance, and unity for a more peaceful and conscious existence.

Yoga Journey

At Peaceful Yoga, a sanctuary for all seekers, beginners and seasoned yogis alike embark on a transformative journey. With compassionate guidance, novices find grounding in foundational postures, while veterans deepen their practice with advanced techniques. Here, every practitioner is honored, celebrated, and supported on their unique path to inner peace and well-being.

Ancient Wisdom

These yogic principles, based on surrendering the ego and connecting to your true nature, have guided us in creating an intimate and nurturing yoga studio in Malverne for yoga asana, meditation, and breath work. By honoring these teachings, Peaceful Yoga offers a nurturing environment for students to explore yoga and cultivate balance in life.

Inner Peace, Mindfulness and Well-Being

The studio "Peaceful Yoga" was named to evoke a sense of tranquility, calmness, and serenity associated with the practice of yoga. The term "peaceful" suggests a harmonious & relaxed atmosphere, while "yoga" signifies the ancient practice of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. Therefore Peaceful Yoga reflects the studio's intention to provide a space where individuals can cultivate inner peace, mindfulness, and well-being through yoga practice.

Our Classes

Peaceful Yoga offers a sanctuary for practitioners of all levels, providing diverse classes from gentle flow to dynamic vinyasa and meditation. Expert instructors guide with compassion, infusing ancient wisdom teachings for inner peace and self-discovery. Whether seeking relaxation or spiritual growth, students find solace and support in the welcoming community and serene atmosphere of Peaceful Yoga.

At Peaceful Yoga, we are bringing the joy of practicing yoga to life in a way that is accessible for all. 

We are seeking to help others thrive in life by nurturing body, mind, and soul with the gift of yoga, mindfulness and meditation.  

In our Peaceful Flow adult yoga classes, we teach movement with breath, focusing on alinement and strength. We begin with setting an intention and always end with relaxation.

What our clients say

How yoga has changed lives? Hear from our newest members.

+++ Marianne and I truly believe in our hearts that every child should be given the gift of yoga starting at a young age. All three of my girls have been taught yoga by Marianne Bochilo since the age of 3 years old. Marianne offers them a sense of calm that yoga brings, and then adds in a sprinkle of fun that keeps them wondering week after week what yoga game they might play (Pom Pom pick up is the favorite in my house). Marianne's guidance has instilled a love for yoga in my girls' hearts, and has helped them develop a better sense of calm. I firmly believe in the power of yoga in my own self, and only wish I could have begun with Marianne as my teacher in my early childhood development. Sincerely, A.McF
+++ My girls (8 and 9 years old) love yoga with Miss Marianne. It helps them with mindfulness and serenity during a packed week of school, studying, tests, and sports. A.Sp.
+++ Two of my daughters practiced yoga with Marianne. My youngest who was 4 years old at the time couldn’t wait to go each week. They practiced breathing and stretching. Marianne was always so positive and kept it fun by reading a story or adding a fun yoga related coloring page at the end of each session. My oldest daughter practiced yoga for several years with Marianne and small group of friends. It was perfect during her tween-age years because Marianne incorporated mindfulness activities, which improved their confidence and well being. Marianne was always sure to include the elements of empowerment, serenity and inspiration to each class. Marianne is not only a yoga instructor, but also a local Rockville Centre mom. She is sensitive to the culture and everyday occurrences (both good and bad). Her aura shines with love, patience and kindness. ❤️J. A.