Everyday create your daily yes and no. In the morning, think about what you want to say yes to today. Then think about what in your life you need to say no to today. What do you want more of in your life? Can you say yes to feeling good and creating the life you want? Are there things in your life that are no longer serving you that you’d like to get rid of? What are your no’s?
The word no can be so powerful. Saying ‘No’ can open up so many doors—opportunities that aren’t just good, but GREAT for our health, our relationships, our work life, and our overall well-being. In other words, “no” can be a good thing even though it can be portrayed as negative.
“Saying no, allows you to say your best possible yes!” – Florishliving.com
“You see, being intentional isn’t about a pressure filled, statistic-bound, “do all the things” life…it is rather about bringing out the best of who you already are.”
When making your yes and no list it can be helpful to think about these questions:
What areas of your life bring you joy? (including people, situations or activities)
What areas of your life stress you out? (including people, situations or activities)
What fills you up and what drains you?
Lastly think about where your time is best spent. Say yes to the things that support your overall goals and say no to the things where your time is not well spent. Invest your time in tasks that make your heart shine.
flourish-living.com suggests kicking things off with a bit of inspiration.
Here’s a few things that can be on your list:
- Saying YES to good morning and nighttime routines that encourage health, positivity, peace and joy in our home.
- YES to self care everyday and choosing to intentionally fill my cup (even if its only for 10 minutes)!
- Saying NO to social events during my workday hours.
- NO to social media on the weekends.
- Say YES to taking your weekly yoga class at PEACEFUL YOGA.
At the end of the day, you are the only one that can control what you say yes to and what you say no to. Make sure it’s what is best for you. Take care of yourself first before trying to please someone else. You hold the keys to your happiness!
The 4-week Yoga for Anxiety Workshop will be meeting again in June on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. The students who have attended the workshop since February have really enjoyed the class. Register for all 4 classes (in-person or on Zoom) costs $60 and $40 respectively and see the MINDBODY app to complete your registration.
Announcing the continuation of the 4-week workshop – Yoga for Bone Health. Thursday mornings in June 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. In this class you will learn poses that provide bone-strengthening benefits in a safe and effective way. In-person $75 and Zoom $55. Register on MINDBODY App.
Saturday Yoga Classes
at Peaceful Yoga
Outside on the Village Green
Join Mary Clare @ 9 a.m.